Judy L. Brown

…And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose…Romans 8:28

Judy L. Brown

Biographical Sketch 

 The Reverend Judy L. Brown is a native of Baltimore, Md.  She is the 4th of six siblings.  She has enjoyed more than 30 years in bi-vocational ministry.   In September 2008, Reverend Brown was elected the first female pastor of the historic Bethel Community Church, Staten Island, NY; founded in 1896.   Prior to Pastoring Bethel, Reverend Brown served the First Central Baptist Church, SI, NY for 17 years, under the church’s then ministerial leader, The Rev. Dr. Calvin Rice, who is now Bishop Rice, Pastor, New Jerusalem Worship Center.  


As a transformational leader, Reverend “Judy” who she is affectionately called by most, led Bethel’s Ministerial Staff, Officers and Members in a year-long visioning process to heal the hurts and transform key areas of the Church’s Ministry including; worship, music, missions, Church School, Youth and Outreach Ministries.  Under the leadership of Reverend Judy, the Church edifice is currently being restored and renovated.  In 2015, Reverend Judy established the Bethel Community Church Opening Doors Ministry (BOD); which in partnership with the NYC Department of Homeless Services; a staff of 14, provides onsite security, shelter and meals for 19 homeless men on Staten Island for 12 hours nightly at Bethel.

Reverend Judy is a Protestant Chaplain for NYS South Beach Psychiatric Center, where she teaches Spiritual Formation Classes and provides chaplain services to individuals with co-concurring disorders as well as those rebounding from life traumas in Staten Island and Brooklyn.  Reverend Judy’s call to the mission field resulted in her being asked to become the Executive Director of the African Refuge Inc. SI, a non-profit which provides comprehensive services to one of the largest settlements of West Africans living in the United States.   Her gifting as a proposal writer has brought many new resources and hope to a community recovering from the effects of Ebola and Civil War. She has enjoyed a life commitment to improving the human condition through the church.  She has also served as the Church Desk Director for the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, NYC; where she provided technical assistance and support to churches with social service ministries throughout the New York metropolitan area. She has also worked for or supported the work and mission of The Central Family Life Center, The AIDS Task Force, Project Hospitality, Society for Seaman’s Children and the National Council of Negro Woman; all of Staten Island.


Reverend Judy is currently a co-convener of “Sisters of the Cloth,” A Christian fellowship for Clergy Women and those wrestling with a call. She is an Executive Board Member of the NAACP and The New Life Church Community Development Corporation. She is the immediate past President of the SI United Ministerial Alliance, served on the Nominating and Board of Directors for American Baptist Churches- Metro and.

was invited and participated in the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyers Working Retreat on Social Justice.


Rev. Judy compiled and co-edited, “The Church Standing Up and Speaking Out on Social Justice- Devotional Meditation and is a contributing author in Woman At The Well -Part II – Daily Devotions. She earned her master’s degree from NY Theological Seminary and was certified as a Church Planter by American Baptist- USA 2004.  She is the recipient of many awards including plaques & proclamations as a witness of her service to the church and community and her faith in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.